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MADA holds its annual meeting and elects a new board of directors

Posted On: 14-07-2023 | National News , Culture
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Ramallah /PNN/

The General Assembly of the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms “MADA” held its annual meeting on Wednesday 12th July 2023, at the headquarters in Ramallah, where it discussed and approved the administrative and financial reports for the year 2022, and elected the Board of Directors for the term 2023-2025, in the presence of the Director of the Non-Governmental Media Department, representing the Ministry of Information.

The administrative report for the year 2022 was presented for discussion by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of “MADA”, Dr. GHAZI HANANIA, which covered MADA achievements for the past year, which were implemented through participation in conferences and workshops at the local, regional, and international levels. This contributed to continuing to play the leading role in defending media freedom and freedom of opinion and expression, in addition to the information the report contained about MADA, its programs, activities, goals, and strategic issues that it has undertaken since its establishment.

For his part, MADA financial officer reviewed the financial report for the year 2022, which was audited by (BDO Auditing Office) and answered relevant questions and inquiries from members of the General Assembly.

At the end of the meeting, and after the General Assembly approved the financial and administrative reports, the Assembly elected a new board of directors consisting of nine members. In its first meeting, administrative positions were distributed among its members as follows: Dr. GHAZI HANANIA: Chairman, Ms. SANAA ARANKI: Vice President, Dr. TALIB AWAD: Treasurer, Mr. JIHAD HARB as secretary, and the membership of Mr. HUSSEIN SHABANA, Mr. NAHED ABU TOAIMA, Mr. MAJID ARURI, Mr. MAHFOUZ ABU TURK, Mr. LUBNA AL-ASHQAR.



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