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More civilian casualties, including among children, as Israel resumes its attack on Gaza hospitals

Posted On: 10-11-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Gaza/PNN / 

A number of civilians, including children and women, were brutally massacred and others were injured today as Israeli occupation forces resumed their aerial and artillery attacks on the outpatient clinics building in the Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City.

Local sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces targeted the outpatient clinics building with missiles and artillery shells, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties, including among innocent children and women.

Earlier in the early morning, Israeli occupation forces had targeted the entrance gate of the Al Nasr Children's Hospital west of Gaza City, resulting in the complete cessation of all services.

Israeli occupation forces also bombed the vicinity of the Patient's Friend Benevolent Society Hospital in Gaza, resulting in damages. Meantime, an ambulance was destroyed following intense Israeli shelling around the Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza.

A significant fire also broke out in the lower floor of the Rantisi Children's Hospital west of Gaza City after it was targeted by Israeli airstrikes.

Israel's targeting of hospitals and clinics in Gaza has been widely condemned by international organizations, with calls for an immediate cessation of the Israeli aggression and respect for humanitarian law to protect civilians, especially those seeking medical assistance and displaced people seeking shelter.

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