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Exstrimest Israeli Settlers continue daily attacks on Palestinian herders

Posted On: 23-09-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Ramallah / PNN /

 Israeli Exstrimest Settlers continued in their daily attacks against Palestinian herders today beating up two shepherds while attending to their sheep in the pastures near the village of al-Mughayyer, east of Ramallah.

Shahadeh Abu Elaya told Journalists that armed settlers from the illegal settlement of Shilo attacked him and his cousin, Atef, while their sheep were grazing in the open pastures.

He said the settlers were protected by soldiers.

Abu Elaya said the settlers regularly attack shepherds while herding in the open pastures and force them to leave the lands.

Yesterday, settlers attacked shepherds in Masafer Yatta area in the south of the West Bank and pepper sprayed a 4-year-old boy causing him burns in his face.

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