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IOF executes six Palestinian youth in less than 24 hours, the latest in Jericho

Posted On: 20-09-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Jericho / PNN /

Local and medical sources in Jericho announced the martyrdom of the young man, Dargham Al-Akhras, 19 years old, from the Aqabat Jaber camp south of Jericho, by an Israeli sniper bullet early Wednesday morning.

Local sources reported that the martyr Dargham was martyred after clashes erupted between the occupation forces and dozens of youth in the Aqabat Jaber camp early today.

The clashes erupted after special occupation units were discovered in the camp, followed by a major incursion by the occupation army, where the camp was invaded from several axes.

The sources clarified that the occupation forces stationed in the settlement of Vered overlooking Jericho and the Jaber camp raided the camp in the early hours of dawn after the exposure of the order of the special units in the camp, and the camp was stormed by reinforced forces accompanied by occupation bulldozers.

In the early morning hours, after the execution of the young man Dargham, the occupation forces withdrew from the camp.

Hundreds of camp residents and Jericho city gathered in front of Jericho Hospital, while the family of the martyr bid him farewell, then carried him on their shoulders, and a funeral procession headed towards his home in the camp, where the youth chanted national slogans condemning the ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people.

With the martyrdom of Dargham Al-Akhras, the number of Palestinian martyrs rises to six since last night until this morning, where four resistance fighters were martyred in the Jenin camp during an Israeli incursion, and a young man was martyred in the confrontations that took place yesterday afternoon on the borders of the Gaza Strip.

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