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Three people injured by bullets during the assault on Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus

Posted On: 17-08-2022 | National News , Human Rights
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Three civilians, including two boys, were wounded this morning, Wednesday, by Israeli occupation forces' bullets, during their assault on Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. Ahmed Jibril, director of ambulance and emergency services at the Red Crescent in Nablus, told the official agency that three civilians, including two boys, were wounded by live bullets, two in the thigh and one in the foot, during the assault on the Balata refugee camp, and described their condition as stable.

Balata camp is located in the northern West Bank in Nablus city. Originally intended to serve approximately 5,000 Palestine refugees, it is today the largest camp in the West Bank. Life in the camp is often the target of weekly search and arrest operations conducted by the Israeli military.

The occupation forces entered the Balata refugee camp and surrounded a house in Al-Jamasin neighborhood.

In the same context, the occupation forces arrested at dawn the citizen Walid Abu Lail from the Rafidia neighborhood in the city, and the freed prisoner Othman Al-Khalili from the Al-Dahiya neighborhood, after they raided and searched their homes.

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