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US State Department: A negotiated two-state solution is best way to resolve conflict

Posted On: 19-03-2022 | Politics , International
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Jalina Porter, the Principal Deputy Spokeswoman of the US State Department, affirmed yesterday that a negotiated two-state solution was the best way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“We believe that a negotiated two-state solution is the best way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the administration has also made clear on numerous occasions that Israelis and Palestinians alike equally deserve to live in security, prosperity, and freedom,” said Porter in a press briefing.

Replying to a question by a reporter whether US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides’ recent remarks that Israeli settlement construction impedes the achievement of a two-state solution, she answered: “Ambassador Nides couldn’t have been any more clear that the Biden-Harris administration believes that there should be a viable and democratic Palestinian state living in peace” alongside Israel.

“On equality, we’ve said this before that advancing equal measures of freedom and dignity is important in its own right and as a means to advance towards a negotiated two-state solution,” she added.

“We’ll continue to focus our efforts on an affirmative and practical approach that is constructive, positive steps that help us keep the possibility of a negotiated two state solution alive.”

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