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Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia condemn passing of Knesset law banning UNRWA operations in occupied Palestinian Terr

Posted On: 29-10-2024 | International
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Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia Monday expressed their condemnation of the Israeli Knesset's recent vote on a law that prohibits the operations of the UN Relief Agency (UNRWA) in the occupied Palestinian Territory.

In a joint statement released on Monday evening, the four European countries emphasized that UNRWA is mandated by the UN General Assembly, asserting that the agency's work is essential and indispensable for the millions of Palestinian refugees in the region, particularly in light of the current situation in the Gaza Strip.

The joint statement stressed that the new law passed by the Knesset sets a very dangerous precedent for the work of the United Nations and all organizations within the multilateral system.

The four countries reaffirmed their commitment to collaborating with donor and host countries to ensure the continuation of UNRWA's operations and its humanitarian role.


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