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Israeli Forces Detain 30 West Bank Citizens Amid Ongoing Tensions

Posted On: 13-10-2024 | Politics , Prisoners
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West Bank/ PNN

Israeli occupation forces have arrested at least 30 citizens from the West Bank in the past two days, including former prisoners.

In a joint statement on Sunday, the Palestinian Prisoners' Club and the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs reported that the arrests were concentrated in Hebron, with additional arrests occurring in Jenin, Bethlehem, Nablus, Qalqilya, and Ramallah.

The statement added that occupation forces continue to carry out widespread incursions and acts of violence, along with threats against detainees and their families during the arrest campaigns, alongside field interrogations and the destruction of citizens' homes.

It noted that since the beginning of the ongoing genocide and comprehensive aggression against our people, the number of arrests has exceeded 11,200 citizens from the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

Occupation forces are continuing systematic arrest campaigns, which have become one of the prominent and escalating policies since the onset of the ongoing genocide, not only in terms of the number of detainees but also regarding the level of crimes being committed.


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