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UNRWA: Over 625,000 children in Gaza suffering from severe psychological trauma

Posted On: 26-09-2024 | Human Rights , International
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The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said today that more than 625,000 deeply traumatised school-aged children are living in the rubble in Gaza.

The agency said in a statement on X platform that, in the meantime, many children in the West Bank are exposed to escalating violence that negatively affects their lives and education.

UNRWA confirmed that Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank have suffered heavy losses since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza nearly a year ago.

The UN agency noted that even before the war began, most families in Gaza were facing great difficulties in providing food for their children.

It said 12 months into the war, there has been a noticeable increase in cases of malnutrition, diseases and related deaths.

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