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One Million Displaced in Rafah Amid Intense Israeli Bombardment

Posted On: 28-05-2024 | National News , Human Rights
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Gaza/PNN / 

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stated that one million residents have been forced to flee the city of Rafah in southern Gaza over the past three weeks due to the Israeli aggression and heavy bombardment of the city.

The agency added via its account on the platform "X" today, Tuesday, that around one million people have been displaced from Rafah in the past three weeks despite having no safe place to go amid the Israeli bombardment.

It pointed out that the lack of food and water, accumulation of garbage, and unsuitable living conditions are making it nearly impossible to provide assistance day by day.

The wave of displacement comes as the occupation army expanded its incursion into Rafah early Tuesday, reaching within 3 kilometers of the seashore and nearing geographically isolating the Gaza Strip from Egyptian territory.

Simultaneously with the incursion, 16 citizens were martyred in a bombing on Rafah, 7 of whom were in a new attack on displaced persons' tents in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood in the northwest of the city, following the martyrdom of 45 citizens on Sunday evening in the same area, which the occupation claimed was "safe" for displacement.

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