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Palestinian prisoner dies in Israeli prison, amid reports of widespread systematic torture.

Posted On: 21-02-2024 | Prisoners , Human Rights
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Tubas / PNN /

 Palestinian detainee Khaled Al-Shawish, 53, has died in the Israeli prison of Nafha, the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission and Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) today announced, bringing the total number of prisoners and detainees who have died in Israeli prisons since October 7 to nine.

Al-Shawish, who is originally from Al-Fara'a camp, north of Tubas, has been detained since May 28, 2007, and was sentenced to 11 life sentences.

He was one of the chronically ill patients held in Israeli jails. He was arrested in 1993 after being kidnapped by an undercover special force. He spent nearly 4 years in the occupation prisons, without a charge being proven against him.

PPS said that Al-Shawish was suffering from constant pain and a hand fracture.

Al-Shawish was released in 1996.  He was seriously injured after being shot by occupation live bullets in 2001, which led to his paralysis. Six years after his injury, the occupation forces arrested him and sentenced him to 11 life imprisonments.

PPS and the Commission said in a joint statement that 246 Palestinian prisoners died in Israeli prison since the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem in 1967.


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