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Dozens of colonists smash windows of ten Palestinian vehicles, puncture their tiers in Nablus

Posted On: 19-02-2024 | Politics
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Nablus / PNN / 

 Israeli colonists today smashed the windows of about ten Palestinian-owned vehicles in the town of Huwwara, south of Nablus, and punctured their tires.

Alaa Suleiman, the owner of the garage, said that he was surprised to find out that around ten armed colonists riding two vehicles raided the garage located on the first floor of his house in the middle of the night, where they smashed the windows of at least ten parked vehicles and punctured their tires with stones and sticks.

The colonists fled the scene following the incident, Suleiman added.

Colonists' attacks and violence against Palestinians have significantly escalated since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on October 7.


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