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Two Palestinians killed, including a young female, by Israeli gunfire in Hebron confrontations

Posted On: 15-01-2024 | National News , Human Rights
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Hebron/PNN /

Two young Palestinians in their early 20s, including a female, succumbed to their critical wounds this evening shortly after being shot by Israeli forces’ gunfire during confrontations in Dura town, south of Hebron.

The Ministry of Health said that 22-year-old Mohammed Hasan Abu Sabaa died of serious live fire wounds he sustained shortly after being shot directly in the heart by Israeli forces.

According to Muhammad Rabi, the director of Dura Governmental Hospital, a 23-year-old young female, who was also critically injured by live fire in the head during the confrontations, succumbed to her wounds shortly after reaching the hospital. she was identified as Ahed Mahmoud Mohammed.

Ten other people were transported to Dura Hospital after being shot and injured, including some seriously by the Israeli army.

WAFA photographer Mashhour al-Wahwah, who was covering the confrontations, was also injured by the army’s rubber-coated steel bullets.

According to WAFA correspondent, forces stormed the town with their military vehicles, spurring confrontations with residents and attacking them with live and rubber-coated metal bullets, stun grenades, and poisonous tear gas, causing several injuries with live bullets and dozens of others to suffocate due to tear gas inhalation. The two aforementioned youths succumbed to their critical wounds shortly after being shot.

Forces further detained an owner of a commercial shop in the area.

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