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OCHA condemns increasing difficulties in delivering aid to the northern Strip

Posted On: 13-01-2024 | International
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Recurring denials and severe access constraints by the Israeli occupation continue to paralyze aid teams trying to respond to the immense needs in northern Gaza, the UN Humanitarian Affairs Office, OCHA warned.

Head of office for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Andrea De Domenicom stressed that the operations in the north have become increasingly more complicated due to the systematic refusal from the Israeli side of their effort to get there, to access the north.

At a virtual press conference in Jerusalem, he said: "In particular, they have been very systematic in not allowing us to support hospitals, which is something that is reaching a level of inhumanity that, for me, is beyond comprehension," he said.

In the meantime, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) affirmed yesterday that after more than two weeks, the team and partners were able to reach Al-Shifa hospital in northern Gaza and deliver 9300 liters of fuel and medical supplies to cover 1000 trauma and 100 kidney dialysis patients.

The team reported that Al-Shifa, previously Gaza's premier hospital, has reestablished services with 60 medical staff, a surgical and medical ward with 40 beds, an emergency department, four operating theatres, ⁠basic emergency obstetric and gynecologic services, limited hemodialysis units, minimal laboratory services, and basic radiology services.

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