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Surge in settlement activity in occupied West Bank since Oct 7: Report

Posted On: 05-01-2024 | Politics , Israeli news
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Jerusalem/PNN /

An Israeli human rights group revealed today a surge in colonial settlement activity in the occupied West Bank since the start of Israel's brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Peace Now, a human rights group dedicated to monitoring settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, stated, "Following three months of war in Gaza, we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in settlement activities, including the construction of colonial outposts, roads, and walls."

"Settlers continue to control Area C in the West Bank, further marginalizing Palestinian presence. In addition to ongoing settler violence, reports in November highlight the establishment of settlement outposts and the paving of roads, contributing to the proliferation of roadblocks preventing Palestinians from accessing major routes in the West Bank," the group added.

The report pointed out the establishment of nine new settlement outposts in about three months, in addition to 18 unauthorized colonial roads. It also highlighted settlers closing roads and blocking Palestinians' movement, constructing walls, adding that a significant portion of the outposts and roads were erected on private Palestinian land.

Peace Now mentioned that settlers exploit the aggression on Gaza "to establish facts on the ground and effectively control extensive areas in Area C, where settlers decide the location of outpost construction and colonial roads, disregarding the legal status of the land."

"The permissive military and political environment allows reckless construction and land seizures with almost minimal adherence to [Israeli] law. The result is not only physical harm to Palestinians and their lands but also a significant political shift in the West Bank," the report stated.

The organization called for the "unchecked rampage of the settlers to be stopped now."


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