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West Bank Unrest: Fatalities, Raids, and Detentions Heighten Tensions

Posted On: 04-01-2024 | National News
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West Bank/PNN /

In a tragic incident, 29-year-old Palestinian Osayed Bani Odeh lost his life at the hands of Israeli forces in the town of Tamun, southern Tubas.

The overall toll in the Occupied West Bank (OWB) stands at 325 casualties, including 79 minors, one woman, and seven Palestinian prisoners who met their demise while in Israeli custody.

Overnight raids unfolded in various locations, encompassing Yalta in southern Hebron, Surif in the north, Husan village in the west of Bethlehem, Beit Rima northeast of Ramallah, multiple neighborhoods in the city itself, the eastern region of Al Bireh City, Beit Furik in the east of Nablus, Burqa in the northwest of Nablus, Qusra and Qabalan in the east-south, Tubas, Bidya west of Salfit, Beit Ameen in the south of Qalqilya, Hizma in the northeast of Jerusalem, and an ongoing operation in Tulkarem, surpassing 30 hours.

According to local sources two Israeli military points in Nablus City were targeted, and Palestinian resistance fighters employed explosive devices against Israeli forces near the separation wall, adjacent to the "Ma'ale Shomron" settlement near the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, and in Tubas.

Detentions were documented in Ramallah & Al Bireh, Qalqilya, Nablus, Tubas, and Hebron. Notably, extensive detentions persist in Tulkarem and its camps, where Palestinian men and minors undergo on-site interrogations before being released to areas outside the camp. Local journalists highlighted that over 250 Palestinian men are currently barred from returning to their homes in the camp.

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