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International Red Cross Office Closed in Bethlehem: Families and Activists Demand Accountability for Prisoners

Posted On: 02-11-2023 | Politics , Prisoners , Human Rights , International
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Bethlehem/PNN /

Representatives of institutions, activists, and the families of prisoners closed the International Red Cross office in Bethlehem today in protest against what they called the organization's neglect of Palestinian prisoners in the face of attacks on them in prisons and during daily arrests carried out by the Israeli army.

The decision to close the International Red Cross office came as a result of pressure from the families and prisoner institutions, urging the international organization to take responsibility for the prisoners and reassure them about their children. If they are unable to do so due to the organization's significant shortcomings, according to the families of the prisoners, there is no longer any importance to its presence if it cannot reassure them about their children.

Families of prisoners and their activists expressed their concerns about their children, as they do not know their fate after being arrested, and they are not allowed to visit them or know about their situation. High-ranking prisoners are particularly concerned, as Israeli authorities continue to mistreat and attack prisoners on a daily basis.

Abdullah Al-Zagari, the head of the Palestinian Prisoners' Soucity , stated that Palestinian prisoners are subjected to daily crimes and assaults in prisons, as well as during daily arrests. 

He emphasized that there is deafening silence from the Red Cross regarding these atrocities and called on the Red Cross to end its silence in the face of the magnitude of the crimes committed against prisoners.

He called on the International Red Cross to speak out against the Israeli government's obstruction of their work, and if it fails to do so, there is no need for it to remain in Palestinian territories.

Al-Zagari further stated that the International Red Cross must fulfill its role as a human rights organization and carry out its duties under international law. It must have access to prisons and ensure that the occupying state complies with international law in its treatment of prisoners. It should also reassure the people about their prisoners.

On the other hand, Mohammad Al-Jaafari, coordinator of the Palestinian Faction’s Coordination Committee in Bethlehem emphasized that all factions, prisoner institutions, and families have come to the Red Cross office today to shed light on the danger facing the prisoners and the fears of our people for them. 

He demanded that the Red Cross pressurize the Israeli government. He added that it is unacceptable for an international organization like the Red Cross to remain silent about what is happening.

Lawyer Fareed Al-Atresh, Director of the Independent Human Right Committee  office in the southern West Bank, said that these measures and protests aim to highlight the danger facing prisoners and the concerns of our people about them. 

He emphasized that the Red Cross is required to issue a statement confirming that it is prevented from performing its humanitarian role mandated by international law in prisoners' issues and to announce the entity that is hindering its work. This should be considered a violation of international law.

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