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Israel's Latest Carnage in Jabalia Camp: 400 Palestinians Affected, Dead and Injured

Posted On: 31-10-2023 | National News , Human Rights , International
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Gaza/PNN /

Israeli occupation forces committed a new massacre on Tuesday evening, resulting in the death of more than a hundred martyrs and hundreds of wounded, injured, and missing individuals.

Israeli occupation forces shelled an entire residential neighborhood in the center of Jabalia refugee camp, including the neighborhood of Abu Talat Al-Tuloli. This area, known for its high population density, witnessed the complete destruction of approximately fifty houses. Residents could not identify their homes or their relatives who perished in the neighborhood and the central residential square of the camp.

Journalist Ramzi Abu Al-Asman reported that the occupation forces obliterated the neighborhood after targeting the heart of the Jabalia camp, the most densely populated area in the camp.

He explained that the area was bombarded with several large shells, leading to the complete destruction of the camp. People could not recognize houses that had disappeared after the bombs created craters ranging from 10 to 15 meters in diameter for each hole.

He confirmed that there are hundreds of martyrs and wounded individuals beneath the rubble in this massacre. The exhausted civil defense forces, which lack equipment and resources, are working to recover the bodies and help the wounded. The scene is extremely tragic.

Families of the victims rushed to the hospital, only to find the martyrs lying on the ground, some identified, and some unknown. Describing the massacre is a daunting task.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, in a press conference, stated that the massacre committed by the occupation resulted in hundreds of martyrs and wounded individuals, as the neighborhood was entirely destroyed.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior in Gaza further added that the Israeli forces bombarded the area with six American-made bombs, each weighing a ton, resulting in the complete destruction of an entire residential neighborhood in Jabalia camp.

He noted that the scale of destruction is massive, and it is expected that the number of martyrs and wounded will exceed four hundred, emphasizing that this massacre is added to the series of Israeli massacres that the world remains silent about, and some countries continue to support them.

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