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ICC Prosecutor: what is happening in Gaza cannot be accepted

Posted On: 29-10-2023 | Human Rights , International
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Bethlehem/PNN /

Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan said today that what is happening in the Gaza Strip cannot be accepted.

During a press conference in the Egyptian capital Cairo, Khan said that every person with faith cannot accept what is happening in Gaza, stressing that an investigation will be conducted to realize everyone’s rights.

He made the remarks after he attempted to enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing. Khan expressed hope to visit the Gaza Strip to meet the people suffering there “to fulfill the court’s commitment towards them to achieve justice.”

He noted that the court has been investigating incidents related to the Palestinian territories and committing war crimes against humanity for more than two years.

The ICC Prosecutor added that he is following up on the killing of innocent Palestinian children and girls, who instead of going to their schools and having fun with each other are exposed to these sad events.

He stressed that the suffering is indescribable in Gaza and the situation is terrifying and frightening, affirming that the innocent Palestinians are the ones losing their lives and being exposed to injury, noting that “we cannot remain silent about that.”

Khan stressed the need to protect civilians and innocent people in accordance with international law, noting that the ICC and the whole world must work to achieve this.

He affirmed that Israel has a legal obligation to comply with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and international law and that it will be held responsible before international law for any attack on civilians and protected facilities.

Khan called on Israel to adhere to international law, stressing that “all homes, mosques, churches, schools and hospitals are protected under international law, and we refuse to direct missiles at them.”

The official noted that the ICC investigates all information coming to them in order to tell the world that adhering to the law is not a selective matter.

He also expressed concern about what is happening in the West Bank regarding the outbreak of violence and the colonizers’ attacks on Palestinian civilians, stressing that innocent civilians must be protected.

Khan called on the member states of the ICC to help enforce the Geneva Conventions, international law and the principles of the Rome Statute of the Court, in order to investigate all crimes and violations.

He stressed that the investigation into the situation in the Palestinian territories cannot be overlooked, calling on all organizations of the international community to send evidence and reports through their activities, pointing out that the court cannot move without evidence to implement international law.

The prosecutor stressed that relief aid must be brought into the Gaza Strip, adding that blocking the entry of aid is a crime under the law.

He addressed Israel and asked it not to delay the entry of relief aid, food water and medicine into the Gaza Strip.

Khan pointed out that "many reports have been received about surgical operations being performed without anesthesia in Gaza hospitals under pain and screams, which is unimaginable."

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