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Gaza is currently plunged into complete digital darkness.

Posted On: 27-10-2023 | National News
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Gaza /PNN / 

Despite international treaties guaranteeing access to the internet and communication networks, Gaza is currently plunged into complete digital darkness. Israel has severed both landline and cellular communication networks, leaving Gaza's population to face its aggression without the world hearing the impact of the missiles raining down on civilians.  

Sada Social Center warns of disasters to be added to Gaza residents' suffering as telecommunications networks are cut off, This means that emergency and medical teams cannot coordinate to rescue the injured and retrieve the missing individuals under the rubble from the bombardment.

 The cutoff also means that these teams face even greater danger and are directly targeted.  Sada Social also underscores that cutting communication networks deprives Gaza's population of access to information during the ongoing conflict. This means they cannot identify safe locations and are unable to access digital media while traditional media is also unavailable due to the power and fuel shortages resulting from Israel's long-standing blockade.  It's essential to note that cutting communication in times of crisis and war allows the widespread dissemination of rumors and misleading information from one side, without the possibility of verification, negatively impacting users around the world.

 Sada Social fears the psychological impact of the communication services being cut on Gaza's residents and on families abroad who can't communicate with their loved ones within the Strip.

Sada Social confirms that cutting off communication in Gaza and taking it out of the communication services hinders media coverage of the aggression against civilians and obscures the complete picture of what's happening inside the Gaza Strip.

Sada Social call for urgent efforts to end the humanitarian and digital blockade imposed on Gaza and to immediately supply the full range of medical, food, water, fuel, and communication equipment needed.

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