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Health Minister urges international community to prevent an Israeli massacre at Gaza's Al Quds Hospital

Posted On: 21-10-2023 | Human Rights , health
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Bethlehem/PNN / 

Minister of Health, Mai Alkaila, has urgently appealed to the international community and all international human rights organizations to intervene and protect the Al Quds Hospital in Gaza from the threat of bombardment by the Israeli occupation authorities.

Alkaila said in a press statement that it is imperative for the international community to act swiftly to prevent another tragedy similar to that of the Al Ahli Baptist Hospital last Tuesday, where nearly 500 Palestinian civilians, including children, were massacred by an Israeli airstrike on the hospital.

She pointed out that the Red Crescent Society, which operates the Al Quds Hospital, has been notified by the occupying authorities to evacuate the hospital under threat of bombardment.

Currently, the hospital houses over 400 patients and approximately 12,000 civilians seeking refuge there after being displaced by the Israeli aggression.

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