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Palestinian Officials Seek Red Cross Protection for Gaza Workers Expelled to West Bank by Israel

Posted On: 19-10-2023 | Politics , Human Rights , International
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Bethlehem/PNN / 

Palestinian Officials Appeal to International Red Cross for Legal and Humanitarian Protection of Gaza Workers Displaced by Israel"

A group of Palestinian officials in Bethlehem have called upon the International Red Cross to provide legal, security, and humanitarian protection for Gaza workers expelled by Israel from their workplaces to cities in the West Bank following events on October 7th.

The appeal came during a meeting held by Palestinian officials with representatives of the International Red Cross in the Phoenix Center Hall at the Dheisheh Refugee Camp to emphasize their responsibilities after the Israeli army invaded the Phoenix Center in Dheisheh, where approximately 170 Gaza workers were located.

Palestinian officials have pointed out that the Israeli army arrested approximately 70 workers, damaged the location, vandalized the furniture, and seized their mobile devices, all while showing aggression towards them.

They also highlighted the clashes that occurred between camp youth and Israeli soldiers, resulting in the tragic death of a child, Ahmed Sadaq, and injuries to 14 others, one of whom suffered severe injuries.

Participants in the meeting included Mohammad Khalil Lahham, a member of the Palestinian National Council; Acting Governor of Bethlehem, Mohammad Taha Abu Aliya; Abdullah Azghari, the head of the Palestinian  Prisoners' Society  Mamoun Lahham, Director of the Phoenix Association; Hassan Lahham, head of the Health Committee at the Dheisheh Camp; human rights activist Nadi Faraj; and lawyer Fareed Attarsh, Director of the Independent Commission for Human Rights in Bethlehem and Hebron. Dina Al-Ja'fari represented the Red Cross, and Adam, Ramzi Director of the Red Cross in Bethlehem.

It's worth noting that Israeli occupation authorities launched a series of arrests targeting hundreds of Gaza workers who were employed within Israel before October 7th. Many of them were forcibly deported to cities in the West Bank, and they now face continuous pursuit and arrest by Israeli forces.

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