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Foreign Ministry accuses Israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing as a strategy to get rid of the Palestinians

Posted On: 17-10-2023 | Politics , National News , Human Rights
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Gaza /PNN /

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today condemned Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people, accusing the occupying power of committing the crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip for the 11th day in a row.

This came following today’s massacres in Rafah and Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip which left 80 people dead, including children and women, and heavy destruction to homes and infrastructure.

The Ministry also condemned in a statement the targeting of health centers, hospitals, press crews, schools, universities, and others.

“It has become clear that the occupying state is continuing with the crime of ethnic cleansing using internationally prohibited weapons to get rid of the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip as an integral part of premeditated plans to get rid of Israel’s strategic crisis represented by the presence of millions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as is clear from the massive killings committed by Israeli warplanes around the clock, and the scenes of mass destruction and humanitarian catastrophe in all its aspects in the Gaza Strip, as well as the suffocation of the occupied West Bank and intensifying expulsion and displacement of citizens,” it said.

The Foreign Ministry stressed that “what Israel is doing is not in any way related to the pretext of ‘self-defense’, but rather aims to totally obliterate the Palestinian existence in the Gaza Strip, leading to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause and changing the course of how the international community looks at the rights of Palestinians, which is also what is promoted by the misleading Israeli propaganda and disinformation campaigns, which making every person, wherever he is, an accused.”

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