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WHO records 48 Israeli health attacks in Gaza since October 7, and 63 in the West Bank

Posted On: 16-10-2023 | Human Rights
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Bethlehem / PNN /

The World Health Organization (WHO) said its Surveillance System for Attacks on Health Care has recorded 48 health attacks by the Israeli war machine since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza on October 7, which included the killings of 12 health workers and the injury of 20 others while on duty. At least 12 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) staff were also killed.

In the West Bank, WHO has documented 63 attacks against health in the West Bank, including obstruction to delivery of health care; physical violence towards health teams; detention of health staff and ambulances; and militarized search of health assets.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories said all humanitarian agencies and personnel have faced major constraints in providing humanitarian assistance, due to airstrikes, movement restrictions and shortages of electricity, fuel, water, medicines and other essential items. The prevailing insecurity is preventing safe access to people in need and essential facilities, such as warehouses.

It said that the reach of operations will remain limited without a humanitarian pause, the opening of the crossings with Israel and Egypt and significant funding for humanitarian response.

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