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Ministry of Health Raises Alarms over Gaza's Healthcare Crisis

Posted On: 12-10-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Gaza /PNN / 

In a dire announcement, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reveals a critical juncture in its healthcare services. The supply of essential medical resources such as medicines, medical supplies, and fuel is rapidly approaching depletion, posing a severe threat to the provision of healthcare.

The situation within hospitals is equally concerning, with medical facilities operating at maximum capacity. Tragically, due to overcrowding, the injured and ill now find themselves without adequate space, lying on the floor in these overwhelmed medical establishments.

The Ministry of Health unequivocally places blame on the occupying forces for the lives at stake. The relentless blockade and aggression on Gaza have drained the healthcare system's resources and compromised its capacity to provide essential care. This blatant disregard for human life is an affront to basic humanitarian principles.

The gravity of the health crisis demands immediate intervention. Urgent steps must be taken to secure a safe passage for crucial medical supplies and facilitate the prompt evacuation of the injured and ailing. Time is of the essence, and swift action is imperative to avert an irreversible catastrophe.

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