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Palestinian man, wife, go missing after Israeli settlers burn tent near Bethlehem

Posted On: 10-10-2023 | Politics , National News , Human Rights
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Bethlehem/PNN /

A Palestinian man and his wife have been declared missing since yesterday after Israeli colonists burned his tent near the village of Kisan, east of Bethlehem.

The director of the Office of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, Hassan Brijiyeh, told officials news agency that Mohammad Abdel Fattah Al-Shalalda and his wife had disappeared since yesterday after a group of colonists burned his tent and stole livestock in the Qanub area of the Sa’ir lands, north of Hebron. The two are close to the Mitzad illegal settlement, which is located on citizens' lands.

He pointed out that Shalaldah's family informed him that they had lost contact with them, and were unable to reach them due to the closures, which made them fear for their lives from attacks by the colonists.

Israeli colonists escalated their violations against Palestinians in the eastern region of Bethlehem, especially against sheep herders, the latest of which was setting fire to two tents belonging to citizens of Al-Shalalda family and seizing a tent belonging to local resident Salim Abdel-Baden in the Tuqu’ desert.

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