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Russia accuses US of inflaming tensions

Posted On: 10-10-2023 | Politics , International
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Moscow / PNN /

Meanwhile, Russia has accused the United States of “a destructive approach” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“I cannot but fail to mention the destructive policy of the United States which thwarts collective efforts within the framework of the [so-called] Quartet of international mediators,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters after meeting in Moscow with Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

He said the US wanted to “monopolize” dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis, with the aim of moving away from the creation of a Palestinian state, and instead focusing on the socio-economic problems of Palestinians.

Palestinian medical authorities say more than 700 people have been killed and many more injured as a result of Israeli bombardment across the Gaza Strip.

Hospital officials in the Strip have recorded the death of 704 civilians and injury of nearly 4,000 others. Many buildings, homes and public facilities have also been badly damaged due to heavy Israeli bombardments.

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