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United Nations Special Coordinator Urges Collaborative Action for Peace

Posted On: 21-09-2023 | International
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New York /PNN/

In a recent address to the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC), United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, emphasized the critical need for a new approach and collaborative efforts from all stakeholders to advance towards a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Wennesland urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to address conflict drivers urgently and halt unilateral actions that deter progress towards a peaceful coexistence with two States. He stressed the importance of not only economic and security measures but also political engagement, calling for substantial political dialogues supported by the international community to address territorial and security concerns, including settlements and settler violence.

Furthermore, Wennesland highlighted the necessity for reestablishing mechanisms that encourage regular and sustained communication between both parties, addressing key issues such as economic policies outlined in the Paris Protocol, with support from the international community.

Wennesland emphasized the need for enhanced strategic coordination within the international donor community regarding engagement with the Palestinian Authority (PA). He advocated for bridge financing to the PA during a transitional period, facilitating crucial reforms and improving fiscal stability.

Lastly, Wennesland proposed immediate stabilization of existing institutions and outlined a coordinated short-term investment plan. The plan aims to restore Palestinian access to essential services, create employment opportunities, repair infrastructure, and enhance the fiscal stability of the PA. The United Nations also reiterated its commitment to sustain the ceasefire in Gaza, improve living conditions, and address humanitarian needs in the region.

The ultimate goal remains to support both Palestinians and Israelis in resolving the conflict, ending the occupation, and striving for a two-State solution in alignment with international agreements and resolutions.

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