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Palestinian dies of wounds sustained by Israeli gunfire near, says Health Ministry

Posted On: 31-08-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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A Palestinian young man who was critically injured by Israeli gunfire this morning near the village of Beit Sira, west of Ramallah, has died of his wounds, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a statement.

The Ministry of Health said it had received official confirmation from the Palestinian General Authority for Civil Affairs that Daoud Abdul-Razzaq Dars, 41, has died of his wounds. Dars hails from the Deir Ammar refugee camp, to the west of Ramallah.

Earlier today, Israeli occupation forces opened fire on Dars after he allegedly rammed his car into Israeli occupation soldiers at a military checkpoint near the village of Beit Sira. The alleged ramming attack resulted in the killing of an Israeli soldier and the injury of three settlers.

Dars was subsequently apprehended in critical condition by Israeli occupation forces and transported in an Israeli ambulance. Tragically, he was later pronounced dead.

Palestinian authorities and human rights organizations have long condemned the frequent use of lethal force by Israeli occupation forces against civilians, and have urged the international community to take action to address this issue.

Two Palestinians, including a woman, were shot and injured today during confrontations that broke out today in Deir Ammar refugee camp, west of Ramallah, said local sources.

Sources in the camp said that Israeli forces stormed the camp and attacked residents with live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets, and tear gas canisters, shooting and injuring a youth in the head with live fire. A woman was also shot in the eye with a rubber-coated steel bullet, and dozens of others suffocated due to tear gas inhalation.

In the meantime, Israeli forces raided the home of Palestinian youth Dawoud Abdel-Razaq Fayez, who was shot and injured earlier today at Ni’lin military checkpoint following an alleged car-ramming attack.

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