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EU says appalled by Israel’s demolition of EU-funded school in Ein Samiya

Posted On: 18-08-2023 | International
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 The European Union said today it was “appalled” by the demolition of the EU-funded school yesterday in the village of Ein Samiya, to the east of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, demanding the Israeli occupation authorities to respect Palestinian children’s right to education.

“Appalled by the demolition of the EU-funded school in Ein Samiya in the Occupied West Bank. [We] call on Israel to respect Palestinian children’s right to education and to compensate EU for the funding lost,” said the bloc in a tweet condemning the demolition of the school, which occurred just a few days before the start of the new school year.

In the last 12 months, three schools were demolished by the Israeli occupation authorities affecting 78 students. 58 other schools remain under the threat of demolition.


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