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UNRWA Urges Armed Groups to Immediately vacate its facilities in Ein El Hilweh Refugee Camp in South Lebanon

Posted On: 17-08-2023 | Politics
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UNRWA received alarming reports that armed actors continue to occupy its installations including a school compound in Ein El Hilweh Palestine refugee camp in the South of Lebanon. UNRWA facilities have reportedly been damaged by the recent fighting in the camp.  

“The compound has four UNRWA schools that normally provide education to 3,200 Palestine Refugee children.  

“This is a grave violation of the inviolability of UN premises under international law, which compromises the neutrality of UNRWA installations and undermines the safety and security of our staff and Palestine Refugees.  

“UNRWA strongly condemns these acts.“All UNRWA facilities, including schools, must be protected at all times. Schools are meant to be a sanctuary for children and zones of peace where children learn and play. They must never be used for armed conflict.

“UNRWA urges all relevant actors to immediately vacate its premises so that the Agency can restore critical services and the delivery of assistance to Palestine Refugees in need”.

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