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UK Consulate Meets with PLO Executive Committee to Address Palestinian Refugee Crisis and UNRWA Funding

Posted On: 15-08-2023 | Politics , International
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Gaza / PNN / 

Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Head of the Refugee Affairs Department, Dr. Ahmed Abu Holi, met  Monday, with a delegation from the British Consulate in Jerusalem to discuss the Palestinian refugee camps' conditions and the financial crisis of UNRWA, as well as ways to assist in finding solutions.

The meeting, held at the headquarters of the Refugee Affairs Department in Gaza, addressed the situation of Palestinian refugees in the Palestinian camps amidst the region's crises. It also discussed the repercussions of UNRWA's financial crisis on the services provided to Palestinian refugees and ways to improve their living and developmental conditions. Additionally, the meeting highlighted the United Kingdom's support for UNRWA in various forms.

The British Consulate delegation in Jerusalem included the Head of Development Department, Billy Stewart, the Head of Humanitarian Programs and Assistance Department, Florence Carson, and the Director of the Consulate's office in the Gaza Strip, Kamal Al-Gharbawi.

Dr. Abu Holi informed the delegation about the challenging living conditions of Palestinian refugees due to the declining UNRWA services. He highlighted that poverty rates among them have risen to 90%, especially in camps in Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza, warning about the danger of its escalation on the region's security and stability unless the UNRWA financial crisis is addressed. He emphasized the international community's responsibility to enable UNRWA to fulfill its duties towards Palestinian refugees and camps.

Dr. Abu Holi discussed the efforts of the Palestine Liberation Organization at all levels and international forums to support and assist UNRWA in mobilizing its financial resources and ensuring sustainable funding.

He called on the United Kingdom to increase its funding and raise it to the level it was in 2018, which was $93 million at the time. 

He praised the UK's role in the advisory and subcommittee in supporting UNRWA and its decision to accelerate its financial contribution for the year 2023, which amounted to £10 million ($12 million). This contribution is intended to enable UNRWA to provide education, health services, and emergency food assistance to Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

For his part, "Stewart" affirmed that the financial situation of UNRWA is challenging and that there is a full commitment from the United Kingdom to fund UNRWA and support its programs.

He noted that his country is considering increasing its funding for UNRWA and supports allocating a budget from the United Nations' budget to support UNRWA's budget.

Also a number of Palestinian present at the meeting from the Refugee Affairs Department were Rami Al-Madhoun, the Director-General of Media and Studies at UNRWA, Dr. Adel Mansour, the Director-General of Camps in the Southern Governorates, and Nabiha Al-Hafi, the Director of the Head of the Department's office.

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