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Historic Church Vote: 'Disciples of Christ Church' Declares Israel an Apartheid State in Landmark Resolution

Posted On: 30-07-2023 | Politics , Human Rights , International
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Washington / PNN / 

In response to the 2009 Kairos Palestine document, "Call of Hope" issued by Kairos Palestine in 2020, and the 2022 Kairos Palestine dossier classifying Israel as an apartheid state, the General Assembly of the "Disciples of Christ Church" in the United States and Canada voted overwhelmingly and close to absolute consensus to describe Israel as an apartheid state.

The resolution, which was voted on, also calls for the right to self-determination for the Palestinian people and an immediate end to Israeli occupation, as well as respect for the right of Palestinian refugees to return. It also calls for respect for the rights of Palestinians and all justice advocates worldwide to express themselves, demonstrate, and use boycotts, divestments, and sanctions as peaceful and lawful tools to halt injustice against Palestinians.

In response to this vote, Rifat Kassis, the General Coordinator of Kairos Palestine, welcomed the decision, describing it as significant and historic.

Kassis, in a conversation with PNN News Network's editor-in-chief, Muned Jadou, stated that this resolution is a victory for supporters of Palestine, freedom, and justice.

He emphasized that it will undoubtedly have a considerable impact on other churches worldwide, encouraging them to take similar stands.

Kassis added that this vote came after the meeting of the International General Assembly of the World Council of Churches, which took place in Germany in late 2022. During the meeting, the churches were called upon to study the UN reports describing Israel as an apartheid state and to reconsider their theological perspectives on Israel.

He emphasized that Kairos Palestine worked diligently in Germany with its member Palestinian churches in the council, along with local, regional, and international partners, especially churches in South Africa, to achieve this historic decision.

Kassis further stated that Kairos Palestine and its international coalition believe that the decision of the "Disciples of Christ Church" will lay the foundation for a new movement within churches worldwide.

On behalf of Kairos Palestine, he praised and thanked those behind this decision for their courage and boldness in speaking the truth at a time when many countries have left the Palestinians to fend for themselves.


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