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Palestine's Delegation Presents Unyielding Case at Int'l Court of Justice: Calls for End to Israel's Unlawful Occupation

Posted On: 24-07-2023 | Politics
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Bethlehem/PNN /

State of Palestine's delegation, headed by Dr. Riad Malki, met Registrar of Int'l Court of Justice, Mr. Philippe Gautier, and submitted Written Statement on UN's request for an advisory opinion (Res. 77/247) about Question of Palestine.

In its Written Statement, the State of Palestine provided insurmountable evidence of Israel’s illegal policies and practice and drew a clear picture of the wrongs and indignities suffered by the Palestinian people over decades.   

The Court's verdict is clear: Israel's colonial occupation & annexation of Palestinian land, racial discrimination, apartheid, and its systematic denial of rights including self-determination are flagrantly unlawful! It's time for an immediate, unconditional, and complete end.

These proceedings show the world's desire for the Court's counsel on legality & accountability regarding Palestine's rights. Palestinians face existential threat as Israel denies self-determination & freedom. Urgent action needed!.

State of Palestine trusts Int'l Court of Justice's independence & commitment to uphold int'l law for justice & peace. Ready for constructive engagement in the Court's next stages.

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