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Four Palestinians injured by Israeli army live bullets in Nur Shams refugee camp, damage caused to infrastructure

Posted On: 24-07-2023 | Politics , National News
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Tulkarm /PNN/

Four Palestinians were injured by live bullets fired by Israeli soldiers during a raid this morning of Nur Shams refugee camp in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarm, and nine others were injured by shrapnel, according to the Ministry of Health and local sources, and more than a dozen Palestinians were detained by the occupation forces during raids into several areas of the occupied West Bank.

A large army force accompanied by a bulldozer broke into Nur Shams refugee camp at dawn after imposing a tight closure on it and proceeded to raid a house in the camp where the forces detained a 28-year-old former prisoner. The forces also raided and searched a mosque and several other houses in the camp.

The army also caused heavy damage to roads in the camp and infrastructure, mainly the water, electricity and sewage networks, according to Taha Irani, head of Nur Shams Services Council.

Residents confronted the soldiers during the raid, who fired live bullets and tear gas at the people causing four injuries by live bullets and nine by shrapnel, who were admitted to hospitals, in addition to suffocation cases, before leaving the camp.

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