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Iof Implements Collective Punishment: Bethlehem Governorate Entrances Closed, Citizens Stranded at Military Checkpoin

Posted On: 16-07-2023 | Politics , Human Rights
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Iof Implements Collective Punishment: Bethlehem Governorate Entrances Closed, Citizens Stranded at Military Checkpoin 


In line with Israel's policy of collective punishment, Israeli occupying forces have closed all entrances and exits of Bethlehem Governorate.

Israeli soldiers have closed all entrances of Bethlehem Governorate, with long lines of cars seen waiting at the checkpoints in scorching heat. The occupying forces deliberately closed the military checkpoints that surround Bethlehem.

Citizens have waited for hours at the military checkpoints to the east, south, and west of Bethlehem Governorate.

earlier in the day Israeli occupation forces “IOF” blocked the two main entrances to the village of Tuqu, in Bethlehem province, this morning causing a traffic jam and preventing locals from entering or leaving the village, according to local sources.

Tayseer Abu Mfarreh, the mayor of Tuqu, said that the occupying Israeli regime blocked the main two entrances to the town, as well as the main entrance to the neighboring village of Al-Dayr, denying entry and exit of any Palestinian vehicles or passengers.

He added that the occupying Israeli military also blocked a section of the main route connecting the south and the center of the West Bank, causing a traffic jam.

Earlier this morning, the Israeli occupation army claimed that three Israeli settlers were injured in a drive-by shooting operation near the village, which means the latest Israeli closures are a collective punishment against the Palestinian communities surrounding the area where the alleged shooting occurred.


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