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Formation of High-Level Committee to Monitor Jenin Camp Amid Ongoing Israeli Aggression

Posted On: 04-07-2023 | Politics , National News
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Jenin /PNN / 

Dr. Ahmad Abu Houli, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and head of the Refugee Affairs Department, announced the formation of a high-level committee consisting of the Refugee Affairs Department and the Executive Office of the Popular Committees in the northern governorates' camps to monitor the events in Jenin camp and meet its needs in light of the ongoing Israeli military aggression on the camp.

Dr. Abu Houli explained that the committee's responsibilities include coordinating and communicating with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to fulfill its duties towards the besieged refugees inside the camp. The committee will work swiftly to provide shelter for the families forced by the Israeli occupation to leave their homes outside the camp and activate its mobile clinics to provide healthcare services to the injured.

The Refugee Affairs Department called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to exert pressure on the Israeli occupation government to allow international humanitarian organizations, including UNRWA, to enter the camp and carry out their relief and medical services for the camp residents, including ensuring their protection.

The Refugee Affairs Department warned against preventing international organizations from entering the camp, which indicates the Israeli occupation's intent to escalate its crimes inside the camp.

The department emphasized in its statement that the Israeli occupation's coercion of Jenin camp residents to leave it under the threat of shelling their homes and forcing them outside the camp aims to depopulate it as part of a plan to destroy it and commit further massacres. This necessitates urgent international intervention to halt the aggression and obligate the occupation government to abide by international humanitarian law, UN resolutions, and principles.

The Israeli occupation government continues its aggression on Jenin camp, which has resulted in the martyrdom of nine individuals and over 50 injuries, including ten in critical condition.

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