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Palestinians take to streets across West Bank in condemnation of Israeli aggression on Jenin

Posted On: 03-07-2023 | Politics , National News
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Bethlehem/PNN /

Hundreds of PAlestinians marched across multiple areas in the West Bank in condemnation of the ongoing Israeli air and land attack against Jenin and its camp since dawn, which has led so far to the killing of eight Palestinians and the injury of tens of others.

Palestinians took to the streets across various parts in the West Bank in support of Palestinians in Jenin who have been under an Israeli aerial and land attack since dawn today.

Israeli forces attacked a march at the entrances of the villages of Nabi Saleh and Aboud, northwest of Ramallah, with stun grenades and tear gas canisters, however no casualties were reported.

Forces also attacked Palestinians who took to the street near Qalandia military checkpoint to the north of occupied Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses said Israeli forces attacked the march with rubber-coated steel bullets and tear gas canisters, while the Palestinian youth responded by setting tires on fire near the military tower erected near the checkpoint at the entrance to the Qalandia camp. No injuries were reported.

Similar confrontations took place at the northern entrance to Bethlehem, during which a number of Palestinians suffocated after inhaling tear gas used against them by the Israeli army.

In the meantime, hundreds of Palestinians protested this evening in Ramallah in condemnation of the aggression on Jenin and its camp.

The Protesters marched the streets of the city chanting slogans condemning the Israeli occupation crimes.

A security man was also injured by Israeli forces’ fire near the entrance to the village of Qusra, south of Jenin.

Security sources said a security man was moderately injured after he was shot by Israeli forces while on duty near the said village.

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