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Israeli Ministers Openly Express Support for Extremist Settler Terrorism

Posted On: 26-06-2023 | Economy
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Tel Aviv/PNN /

Hebrew media outlets published statements on Monday by ministers from the far-right Israeli government led by Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu, openly expressing their support for extremist settler terrorism and their attacks on the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Jerusalem in recent weeks.

Ministers in the Israeli coalition government condemned the criticism leveled by the Israeli army against settlers who attacked Palestinians in several villages and towns in the West Bank in recent days.

One of these Israeli racist statements was reported by the Hebrew newspaper Maariv, quoting Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who sought to justify the attacks by settlers on Palestinian villages in recent days.

The Israeli Finance Minister expressed his anger at such criticism, urging the army and security forces to respond more forcefully to Palestinian operations.

Smotrich stated that settlers seeking their collective security should not be punished, referring to the attacks they carry out against Palestinian civilians.

The Israeli right-wing minister said that the army should focus on unrelenting combat against what he called terrorism, and that soldiers should deal forcefully with Palestinian confrontations.

In turn, the Israeli news website Walla quoted Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir as saying, “Even this government, we have killed 120 Palestinians in the past six months.”

Ben-Gvir added that there will be more in the future, and there is a need for more.

He also stated that the Israeli public wants more from us, and we are capable of and will do it.

Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, called on settlers to go to hilltops to establish and expand illegal settlement outposts in response to Palestinian operations.

Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz said, "There can be no comparison; terrorism is terrorism committed by Palestinians."

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