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UNRWA resumes services to Palestinian refugees in West Bank

Posted On: 17-06-2023 | Human Rights
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Bethlehem/PNN /

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) today resumed its service delivery to the Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, after nearly four months of disruption due to a strike by the West Bank Staff Union.

“We are relieved that UNRWA is now able to restart providing services to the refugee communities across the West Bank. Palestine Refugees have been severely impacted by the strike, which started on 4 March,” said Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General.

With education and health services as a priority, the UNRWA said, efforts include cleaning and disposing of solid waste, maintenance of the Agency’s buildings to receive staff and refugees, putting in place security measures and pre-positioning of supplies including medicines and sanitation material.    

“Our top priority right now is to reopen 90 UNRWA schools, so that more than 40,000 children who were on the verge of losing a whole school year and are at a risk of dropping out, will be able to catch up on education losses and move to the next levels,” he added. 

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