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Father of Palestinian child Mustafa Sabah Shares Heartbreaking Details of Son's Death by IOF

Posted On: 29-04-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Bethlehem/PNN/ Report by Munged Jadou - Filmed and edited by Ahmed Jabran

With tears of sadness and pain, the father of martyr Mustafa Sabah recounted the details of his son's martyrdom in the town of Taqu'a, east of Bethlehem. He mentioned that he was initially informed of Mustafa's injury but quickly learned of his martyrdom.

The grieving father, Amer Sabah, also told Palestine News Network (PNN) about the beauty of his son's spirit and his love for his homeland. Mustafa was one of the young men who had been arrested three times and was subjected to beatings by the army. He also has a brother in captivity.

He explained that Mustafa had been arrested three times, the longest of which was a month. The army had beaten him brutally while he was in the street with his friends, which increased his love for his homeland.

The father also mentioned that his other son, Yazan, is currently imprisoned in the occupation's jails, and he does not know if Yazan has learned of Mustafa's martyrdom. This complicates matters for him and his family.

The father added that Mustafa loved studying and being at home, and his last words were that he wanted to study, get married, and build his own house. He had asked his father to build a house for him. The father said, "He used to fill the house, and he had a brother who died of an illness. Mustafa was loved by his siblings and mother.

Mohammed Al-Sabah, the uncle of the martyr Mustafa, told PNN that Mustafa expressed his love for his homeland and his desire to build a house and get married to bring joy to the hearts of his family who were mourning the loss of his older brother and five sisters who died due to illness. He also added that Mustafa was ambitious and wanted to continue his studies, and he loved his family.

Politically and publicly, in response to the Israeli crime against the boy Mustafa, Fatah Movement and the coordination committee of Palestinian factions declared a comprehensive and general strike for all aspects of life in Bethlehem Governorate.

Fatah Movement and all Palestinian factions saw the execution of the child Mustafa as a new occupation crime, a continuation of the 75th Nakba (catastrophe) that our people commemorate, as our people are more committed to their rights through a struggle that embodies the spirit of the martyr.

Mohammed Al-Masri, Secretary-General of the Fatah Movement in the Bethlehem region, said that our people mourn today a martyr and a Palestinian boy who dreamed of a better future, but this occupation executed him, as it executed many others in an attempt to prevent Palestinians from continuing the path of struggle. But he does not know that our people are determined to achieve their freedom, and that every time a Palestinian is targeted, all Palestinians become more attached to their homeland and their rights.

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