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Settlers uproot trees, destroy water network in Husan

Posted On: 27-04-2023 | Politics
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Bethlehem / PNN /

Israeli settlers today uprooted dozens of vine and olive saplings, damaged agricultural crops, and destroyed a water irrigation network, in Husan village, west of the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.

The director of the Husan Village Council, Rami Hamamreh, said that a group of settlers uprooted dozens of vine and olive saplings, ruined eggplant, tomatoes and peppers crops in an area known as Wad Qadis, west of the village, and destroyed a water network used to irrigate local farms.

Wad Qadis covers an area of more than 400 dunums and has about 12 water springs which farmers depend on for their livelihood but are repeatedly subject to attacks by settlers.

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