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Palestinian man fatally shot by Israeli settler's gunfire in Jerusalem following alleged run-over

Posted On: 25-04-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Jerusalem /PNN/

A Palestinian man, from Jerusalem’s town of Beit Safafa, was fatally shot this evening by an Israeli settler’s gunfire in the occupied city of Jerusalem following an alleged run-over attack.

The man, a father of five who was identified as Hatem Asad Abu Nijmeh, was shot dead by an Israeli settler after he allegedly carried out a run-over attack that resulted in the injury of eight Israelis.

Israeli reports claimed that the slain Palestinian suffered from mental problems and used to receive treatment inside Israel.

Arab 48 website reported on an Israeli report which alleged that a vehicle slammed into pedestrians, causing varying injuries to eight Israelis and that the perpetrator was ‘neutralized’.

Israeli forces detained the wife of the slain Palestinian shortly after.

In most cases, in such incidents, there is no narration except for the police narration, which in most cases has been proven untrue

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