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Jewish Extremists Damage Property and Write Racist Slogans in Kafr Qasim

Posted On: 07-04-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Nazareth / PNN / 

Extremist settlers from the "Price Tag" terrorist gang set vehicles on fire and wrote racist and anti-Arab slogans in the city of Kafr Qasim early on Friday.

Eyewitnesses from Kafr Qasim reported that a group of "Price Tag" terrorists attacked vehicles belonging to the city's residents late at night, set them on fire, wrote anti-Arab slogans, and caused damage to property.

It is worth noting that the "Price Tag" gang attacked the property of citizens in Kafr Qasim in February/March 2021, damaging the tires of private vehicles and writing racist and anti-Arab slogans, as well as carrying out a terrorist attack on July 28, 2019, which included damaging the tires of vehicles and trucks and writing racist and anti-Arab slogans in the city.

Previously, on December 2, 2018, Jewish extremists wrote racist and derogatory slogans against Arabs, including "Price Tag" and "Revenge," and tagged "Star of David" on commercial stores and residential walls, as well as damaging the tires of 32 private cars in the eastern neighborhood adjacent to the town of "Ras al-Ain."

"Price Tag" gangs carry out racist attacks in many Palestinian towns, targeting holy places, mosques, churches, and Islamic and Christian cemeteries.

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