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Rep. Ilhan Omar: Horrified by rampage of Israeli settlers in Palestinian villages

Posted On: 02-03-2023 | Politics
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Washington /PNN /

US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has said in a statement she was "horrified" by the rampage of Israeli settlers in the Palestinian villages of the West Bank this weekend that led to the torching of dozens of cars and houses, took an innocent life and injured over 100.

"This comes against the backdrop of massive settlement expansion and de facto annexation of the West Bank by the most rightwing Israeli government in history—moves that would erase any hope for a two-state solution," said the US lawmaker.

She added, "The U.S. must seek full accountability for any violations of international law, and ensure that our own U.S. tax dollars are not funding human rights violations."

"Truly putting human rights at the center of foreign policy and supporting a rules-based international order means demanding accountability for any violations, whether they are our allies or adversaries."

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