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The European Union condemns the Israeli settler violence on Palestinians

Posted On: 28-02-2023 | Politics , International
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Brussl/ PNN /

The European Union is highly concerned by the continuously spiralling violence in the occupied Palestinian territory. It condemns the outbreak of settlers violence, which resulted in the killing of one Palestinian, injuring of several hundreds of Palestinians and burning of houses and shops, causing the unacceptable destruction of Palestinian property.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell contacted Israeli and Palestinian authorities on Sunday night to convey the message that violence and terror must stop, that all civilians must be protected and that immediate measures of de-escalation are necessary.

All parties need to take immediate steps to end this deadly cycle of violence, prevent further loss of life, ensure accountability and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The EU welcomes the Joint Communique issued on Sunday in Aqaba, Jordan, in which both Israeli and Palestinian sides agreed to work towards a just and lasting peace, while reaffirming the necessity of committing to de-escalation on the ground and to prevent further violence.

The EU commends the role of Jordan, Egypt and the US in facilitating the talks and calls on both parties to implement the commitments made

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