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UN Special Coordinator says he is working to deescalate situation following the Israeli massacre in

Posted On: 23-02-2023 | Politics , International
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Bethlehem/PNN/ Reacting to Israel’s massacre in Nablus yesterday, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, said that he was deeply disturbed by the violence and that he is working to deescalate the situation.

“I am deeply disturbed by the continuing cycle of violence and appalled by the loss of civilian lives,” said Wennesland in a statement. “I am continuing my engagement with all concerned parties to deescalate the situation. I urge all sides to refrain from steps that could further enflame an already volatile situation.”

The Israeli army killed 11 Palestinians, including three elderly men, one of them suffocated from inhaling teargas, and a child, and more than 100 were injured during an assault on the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

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