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Child dies of wounds sustained from Israeli army gunfire in Nablus two weeks ago

Posted On: 21-02-2023 | National News , Human Rights
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Nablus /PNN/

A 16-year-old child who was shot and critically wounded two weeks ago by Israeli army gunfire in the northern West Bank city of Nablus has died today of his wounds, according to medical sources.

Sources at Rafidiya hospital in Nablus said Muntaser Mohammad al-Shawwa was shot on February 8 by a bullet fired by Israeli soldiers during a raid of Nablus. The bullet penetrated his head from behind his ear and exited through the mouth. He was brought to the hospital without a heartbeat but was revived and kept in intensive care until he was pronounced dead tonight.

With Shawwa’s death, the Israeli army has shot and killed 49 Palestinians since the start of the year, including 12 children and an elderly woman.

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