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The Government of the People’s Republic of China provides US$ 1 million to Support Education for Palestine Refugee Children in the West Bank

Posted On: 13-09-2022 | International
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Today, the Government of the People’s Republic of China contributed US$ 1 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for Palestine refugee school children to get quality, equitable and inclusive basic education through the Agency’s education programme. UNRWA remains an essential source of basic services for many Palestine refugees in the West Bank. UNRWA will use this generous contribution from the Government of China for education to about 9,200 students in 19 schools in the West Bank for two months this year. Expressing his appreciation for this vital contribution, Mr. Karim Amer, Director of Partnerships at UNRWA, said: “On behalf of UNRWA, I would like to express our deep appreciation for the Government of China for its continued support and dedication towards preserving the rights for Palestine refugees. We greatly value our robust partnership with China, which continues to grow and expand.” In referencing their support to UNRWA, His Excellency, Head of the Office of the People’s Republic of China to the State of Palestine, Ambassador Guo Wei, said: “China commends and supports UNRWA efforts, and has actively provided assistance through UNRWA to the Palestine refugees within its capacity. For several years in a row, China has made donations in support of UNRWA to provide emergency food aid to refugees in the Gaza Strip and has donated pandemic response supplies and COVID-19 vaccines to Palestine refugees.

This year, the Chinese Government has made a US$ 1 million donation to UNRWA to improve the livelihood of the Palestine refugees and is ready to work with the international community to promote the restoration of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, and push for a comprehensive, just and durable solution to the Palestine question, so as to attain peace, stability and development in the Middle East.” The People’s Republic of China is a valued partner and long-standing donor to UNRWA. It is thanks to the enduring support of donors like the Government of China that UNRWA is able to provide vital services to Palestine refugees across the Middle East in the face of its continuing challenges.

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