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Palestinians detained in the Israeli jails protest against Israel Prison Services

Posted On: 22-08-2022 | National News , Prisoners , Human Rights
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More than 4500 Palestinian detained in the prison of the Israel Prison Services started to protest again the living conditions in the prison that are affecting their daily life. The Israel Prison Service is the national detention authority of Israel.

It has been said that  the prisoners started their protests by refusing to take part in the security check on Mondays and to return their meals on Wednesdays. After two weeks, they plan to observe a hunger strike.

According to WAFA Agency, "there are currently 4500 Palestinian freedom fighters incarcerated in Israeli jails, including 31 women, 175 minors, and 700 held in administrative detention."

The prisoners claim that the IPS has failed to fulfill its previous promise to ease severe restrictions that were imposed on them in the aftermath of the jail break by six inmates from Gilboa Prison last year. The restrictions include, among other things, solitary confinement and the transfer of dozens of inmates to other prisons.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club called on Palestinians to support the prisoners in their struggle against the restrictions imposed by the IPS.

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